Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go on a Satire Treasure Hunt

For this final activity, you will use the links below to locate satire examples. When you find an example of satire/humor that you like, you will post a link to the specific example in a comment. Your comment will also include a brief synopsis of the example as well as identification of SOAPSTone for that example.

When you're finished, if time allows, please make sure you have the work for "A Presidential Candidate" (Mark Twain) done for Monday, and please also make sure you have the two articles in the green "Intersections" packet read and annotated.

The Onion
The Daily Show (please use ear buds for videos!!!)
The Colbert Report (please use ear buds for videos!!!)
The Borowitz Report
Satirical Political
Ironic Times
Political Cartoons

*If none of these work due to firewall settings, simply use Google to locate something by doing a search such as "satire news" or "satirical publications" or "political cartoons," etc.

Remember, in your comment you are posting a link to the example you found, and you are then identifying and explaining the SOAPSTone of that example. Remember to include your name. If time allows, respond to someone else's comment.



    This example is making fun of Romney by "praising" him for "pretending to care" about the nation for a record nintey minutes in the debate

    S: Political news reporter
    O: Presidential debate
    A: Romney and republicans
    P: Point out Romney's alleged vice of not caring about the country
    S: Politics, problems with Romney
    Tone: Official, serious, criticizing


    Speaker: Andy Borowitz
    Occasion: Presidential deabte
    Audience: Liberal, Democrats, people opposing Mitt Romney
    Purpose: To mock Mitt Romney for faking empathy
    Subject: Mitt Romney's performance in the second round of the Presidential debate.
    Tone: Mocking, to make fun of.

    Nick Lange

  3. Speaker Andy Borowitz
    audience people opposing Mitt Romney
    Purpose mock Romney for faking empathy
    Tone mimicking and making fun of Mitt Romney
    Subject presidential debate
    Occasion Presidential debate
    Donovan Rhymes


    Christine Ensch

    speaker: an Onion author
    occasion: the presidential debates
    audience: people who watch the debates
    purpose: to poke fun at how people turn to the internet and others to form their own opinions on the candidate's performances
    subject: Americans going on to Facebook/Twitter to copy other's opinions
    tone: uses fake quotes and people. serious but sarcastic


    S-John Stewart
    O-Presidential Debate
    A-Women Voters
    P-To mock all the opinions from women on the debate
    S-Romney and Obama's debate and the opinion of women
    T-Mocking, sarcasm

    --Mikala Spencer


    Speaker: Advocate for equal rights within the military.
    Occasion: Equal rights within the military (when it was an issue)
    Audience: Someone following the civil rights movement
    Purpose: To point out that the military would be more effective if we used more of our population.
    Subject: civil rights, war
    tone: satiric, formal, correcting.

    Nick Hill


    S: Andy Borowitz
    O: Presidential debate
    A: Liberals/Those opposing Romney
    P: TO show that Romney doesn't care about America and it is all a show to be elected president.
    S: Second round of debate
    T: Snobby, sarcastic, serious

    jordy schdmit


    speaker: a political news reporter
    ocassion: presidental debate between Romney and Obama
    audience: republicans/ Romney
    purpose: make fun of how Romney pretends to care about the U.S
    subject: politics, Romney
    tone: fake quotes, critizing
    sydney croft

    S: A onion author
    O:Schools changing mascot
    A: Kids who go to the school/graduates from the high schools
    P:To show the rediculousness having to change school mascots
    S:Different mascots that they are being changed to
    T:Serious but sarcastic
    Vince Kuranz


    Speaker: an onion author
    Occasion: after the presidential debate where both candidates slightly skirted around key issues along with the questions asked by attendees.
    Audience: Americans unhappy with the course that the debate followed.
    Purpose: to point out that both of the candidates at times went around the questions that were being asked instead of directly answering them
    Subject: november 2012 election
    Tone: satiric, sarcastic

    Zoey Stefaniak

    Speaker: Colbert impersonating a republican news reporter
    Occasion: The debate
    Audience: people with liberal views
    Purpose: To point out the flaws in the presidential election/candidates.
    Subject: Mitt Romney/ election topics
    Tone: satiric, sarcastic, witty, mocking
    -Valerie Armstrong


    speaker: an Onion reporter
    occasion: Chuck Pagono's cancer, Colts win over Packers and loss to Jets
    audience: NFL and sports fans, the Colts
    purpose: to show that although it was a good win for their team, one win doesn't make their season a success
    subject: Colts losing to Jets after beating the Packers
    tone: very sarcastic

    Derek Wulff


    Speaker - Onion Reporter
    Occasion - Heat of presidential race, 2nd presidential debate was Tuesday.
    Audience - Political enthusiasts, undecided and maybe Republican voters.
    Purpose - to call attention and poke fun at Romney's habit of interrupting Obama and the mediator at debates.
    Subject - Mitt Romney not being able to keep his mouth shut
    Tone - Very sarcastic, joking, almost trying to annoy Romney himself.

    - Joe M


    speaker: onion reporter
    occasion:Chuck pagano being diagnosed with cancer and his team(colts) losing their second game while he has been in the hospital
    audience:sports fans, mainly NFL and colts fans
    purpose:to show how winning just one game against the packers does not determine the rest of their season.
    subject:After beating the packers, the colts lose to the jets the next week
    tone: sarcastic, bitter and scornful


    S:Onion reporter, probably liberal
    O:Presidential race, second debate was last Tuesday
    A:Political enthusiasts, undecided and maybe Republican voters.
    P:Criticize and call attention to Romney's habit of interrupting Obama and the mediator.
    S:Mitt Romney interrupting during the debates
    Tone: Sarcastic, mocking, satirical

    Isaac Marti


    Speaker: Onion Reporter
    Occasion: Romney at Town Hall Debate
    Audience: Voters, people interested in politics
    Purpose: Satirically show how unrelatable Mitt Romney is to the voters
    Subject: Romney To Town Hall Audience: 'I Own Horses And Care For Them, And You Are All Like Horses'
    Tone: Informative, satiric

  17. Jaime Due,29943/

    Speaker: onion reporter intrested in politics
    Occasion: Second presidential debate
    Audience: Democrats, middle class
    Purpose: To show Romney's failure to understand connect with the everyday american
    Subject: Mitt Romney
    Tone: humorous


    Speaker: Onion Reporter
    Occasion: Presidential Debate
    Audience: Americans who watched the debate
    Purpose: To make fun of the ridiculous and random stories Mitt Romney told during the debate.
    Subject: Mitt Romneys stories during the debate
    Tone: sarcastic, light hearted

    Lexi Jokisch

  19. Speaker:Anonymous
    Occasion: AP Lang blog questionnaire and response. Misinterpretation of satire and its intent.
    Audience: The class and those of you in seven hour
    Purpose: To highlight the subsequent issues with this assignment
    Subject: A simple copy and paste reply to the forum.
    Tone: Annoyance. Misunderstood.

    On a side note why does everyone simply say an onion reporter with regards to the speaker.

    A Report: 12 Actual Speaker: 2


    Speaker: Onion reporter
    Occasion: Anniversary of the beginning of Beatlemania
    Audience:Beatles fans/people familiar with The Beatles
    Purpose: To celebrate the legendary career of the group the best way The Onion knows making fun of them!
    Subject: Highlights of the Fab Four's career, with a twist
    Tone: Jocular, slanted


    S-John Stewart
    O-Presidential Debate
    A-Women Voters
    P-To mock all the opinions from women on the debate
    S-Romney and Obama's debate and the opinion of women
    T-Mocking, sarcasm
    R!C#@RD GOM3z


    s- anyone watching the presidential debate
    0-presidential debate
    a- romenys choice of words
    p- to mock Romney and his slip of the tongue
    t-sarcastic and snarky

    Deja Mitchell


ATTENTION: You are not required to log in with a Google ID or anything like that; BUT if you don't log in with an ID of some sort, your comment will post as "Anonymous." With that in mind, you'll need to include your name somewhere in your comment so I can give you credit for the comment!